Friday, May 11, 2007


Hair Loss

The sparkly-eyed old man at Bentley’s insists that I am writing a Master’s thesis in Biology. About once a week he comes up to me to refresh his memory about my work in Biology and the progress I'm making with the writing. Each time I remind him that I’m in the English department, which immediately reminds him of the emblem book he borrowed from me, which leads to a brief conversation about his experience and my frustration with Latin. Today, however, the conversation went somewhere else. I told him that I’m in the English department, writing a dissertation, and he proceeded to tell me about a woman he knew in the English department who, in the process of writing her dissertation, lost all of her hair. Apparently, it wasn’t the kind of thing where each day a few more strands fall into the sink. This woman’s hair fell out all at once. All of it, just gone. So now, on top of the self-doubt, stomach aches, and sleep deprivation that have come with writing a dissertation, there is the looming threat of sudden and complete hair loss. The fear that one day I will wake up and find myself hairless.

He did assure me that the hair grows back. Eventually.


Abby said...

Okay, that's a medical condition that a neighbor of my grandmother's had. You're not going to lose all your hair. At least not all at once.

And on the insane-o crazy chance that you do, you can wear scarves.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding, you're not going to lose all of your hair.

meggurt said...

its like he knew about your hypochondriac worries of hair loss, maybe he's testing you, how many hairs were in the drain today many...jk, actually I've been growing into my hypo shell lately. I dont know whick parent passed this to us but this term I have had meningitis, lung cancer, cracked ribs, and bronchitis, all in my head. The brochitis could be asthma, i'm still working that one out.

Kelly said...

You both lived through the height of my female pattern baldness scare. Luckily, there is a store called Wig-o-Rama in downtown Tucson, if my hair does suddenly go.